Interview Questions - Part 6

1. What is LAYOUT keyword does in MVC 3.
2. What is the difference between ASP.NET and MVC
3. How does master pages implementation achieved in MVC 3
4. What are the filters available in MVC 3
5. How do security can be implemented in MVC 3
6. Can I have constructors in struct
7. Why can't I inherit a struct
8. If I have two structs then if I want to compare both of them
9. What is the difference between Aggregation & Composition. Give an example to explain each.
10. What is the difference between Generalization & Specialization. Give an example to explain each.
11. What are the ways I can implement Entity Framework.
12. What is the different between DataContract & MessageContract and when to use what
13. What are the types of instance creation in WCF
14. How do we implement Transactions in WCF calls
15. What is the difference between Cluctured & Nonculstured indexes


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