APIs and Microservices
UNDERSTANDING WEB APIs What are web APIs? As a review, an application programming interface (API) specifies how software components and systems should interact with each other. Web APIs extend this interaction beyond a single application by using HTTP, the language of the web, as the network protocol. A web API doesn’t have to be RESTful. It doesn’t have to use SOAP. It doesn’t have to use JSON or XML or OAuth or be built in a specific programming language or framework. It doesn’t have to have pretty URLs. Web APIs may exhibit some, all, or none of these traits. The only requirement for a web API is that it allows one program or software component to interact with another in a repeatable way over HTTP. Diagram of a simple web-based application that retrieves data from a database via an API. Effective API programs help to break down these siloed systems by decomposing them into smaller areas of concern (sometimes referred to as “bounded contexts”). These areas offer a clear API tha...