
Showing posts from October, 2019

Unity of Work Repository Pattern

Repository Pattern separates the data access logic and maps it to the entities in the business logic. It works with the domain entities and performs data access logic. In the Repository pattern, the domain entities, the data access logic and the business logic talk to each other using interfaces. It hides the details of data access from the business logic. In other words, business logic can access the data object without having knowledge of the underlying data access architecture . For example, in the Repository pattern, business logic is not aware whether the application is using LINQ to SQL or ADO.NET Entity Model ORM. In the future, underlying data sources or architecture can be changed without affecting the business logic. There are various advantages of the Repository Pattern including: Business logic can be tested without need for an external source Database access logic can be tested separately No duplication of code Caching strategy for the datasource can be centraliz...