Significance of Elasticsearch
Everyone is talking about one of the latest technologies called 'Elasticsearch'. Then some of the questions comes to my mind; - What is it, is it a database - Basics of Elasticsearch - How it runs - What it does - How to use - What are the dependencies Below I will explain my understanding and is to refer for myself as needed :-) ES is a document-oriented database designed to store, retrieve, and manage document-oriented or semi-structured data. When you use Elasticsearch, you store data in JSON document form. Then, you query them for retrieval. It is schema-less, using some defaults to index the data unless you provide mapping as per your needs. Elasticsearch uses Lucene StandardAnalyzer for indexing for automatic type guessing and for high precision. Every feature of Elasticsearch is exposed as a REST API: Index API: Used to document the index. Get API: Used to retrieve the document. Search API: Used to submit your query and get a result. Put Mapping AP...